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http://www.phpbb.com/mods/quickinstall/qi_logo.gif" alt="Image" />


phpBB QuickInstall is a tool to install a phpBB3 board with a single mouse click. It is ideal for testing MODs, both for MOD authors and other users that want to check out a MOD before installing it on a live board.


phpBB3 QuickInstall was originally created by Igor “igorw” Wiedler in the summer of 2007 and was later partially rewritten by him in march 2008. Since March 2010 this project is maintained by Jari “tumba25” Kanerva.


The installed forums will use their own database, with a qi prefix. phpBB QuickInstall is able to populate your test boards with almost any amount of users, categories, forums, topics and posts, if you choose to do so. You can also get one global moderator and one extra admin. But 22k users, 500 forums in 50 categories with ~1500 topics in each and ~150 posts in each topic might take a while (that would give you 112 500 000 posts in 750 000 topics and probably take a day or two). http://www.phpbb.com/community/images/smilies/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz" />

You can also get AutoMOD and Subsilver2 installed if you want them. You can manage the test boards in QI so they are easy to delete when you are done testing and you have direct links to them from the QI main page.


In this version AutoMOD is no longer shipped with QI, you need to download it from if you want it.


To install QI simply download the latest version and extract it to a directory accessible via a browser.

Download the latest phpBB version and extract it into the sources directory.

Download the latest AutoMOD and copy the contents from the root directory to sources/automod.

Rename qi_config_sample.cfg to qi_config.cfg and make sure it's writeable by your web serve.

Make sure boards/, cache/ are writeable by your web server.

Point your browser to the QI directory. You will be taken to the settings page and once you have filled in the required information you are good to go.

If you are upgrading from a earlier version you do not have to replace qi_config.cfg, just make sure it's writeable by your web server and go to the settings tab.


You can obtain support in http://www.phpbb.com/customise/db/official_tool/phpbb3_quickinstall/support/" class="postlink]the support section


If you run into any bugs, please report them to the http://www.phpbb.com/bugs/modteamtools" class="postlink]MOD Team Tools bug tracker. You can also submit patches via github's pull request feature.


[FIX] Updated the install instructions.[FIX] Checks for the config file and gives a proper slap if it's missing.[FIX] Tries to correctly handle non valid chars in db names.[FIX] Make sure phpBB exists before trying to load it.[FIX] Changed $user->lang['DB_PREFIX'] To 'Database prefix'.[FIX] Allow localized usernames. Bug #62563[CHANGE] Removed AutoMOD from the QI package.[CHANGE] Moved QI's language file for phpBB.[CHANGE] Moved some AutoMOD installation to QI instead of MODding UMIL or AutoMOD.[CHANGE] Moved things in the settings and slightly changed the layout.[FEATURE] Added option so set how many users, forums, topics and posts that will be created.

Thank you,

The Modifications Team


You can discuss this announcement http://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopic.php?f=64&t=2115406" class="postlink]here


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