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We are excited to announce that phpBB has been accepted as a mentoring organisation in Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2012.


Google's Summer of Code program encourages students to get involved in free and open source software (F/OSS) by pairing them up with experienced mentors in popular F/OSS projects. In addition to making valuable contributions to their host organisation, students gain experience working in a group environment and are further rewarded with a monetary stipend.


Prospective students can start by browsing our http://wiki.phpbb.com/GSoC/2012/Ideas" class="postlink]Ideas Page to see the kinds of tasks we would consider beneficial. We do, of course, welcome proposals for your own unique ideas and you may submit multiple proposals if you like. For instructions on how to apply to work with us, please see the http://wiki.phpbb.com/GSoC/2012/Instructions" class="postlink]Instructions Page.


phpBB uses Github for source control and students are encouraged to become familiar with the system as early on as possible. Our development wiki contains a beginner's guide (http://wiki.phpbb.com/Working_with_Git" class="postlink wikilink]Working_with_Git) and extensive documentation can be found on http://help.github.com/" class="postlink]help.github.com. Additional information regarding phpBB development can be found on http://area51.phpbb.com/phpBB/" class="postlink]Area51.


Student application submission officially opens on March 26. In the meantime, students should contact us via IRC in #phpbb-dev on irc.freenode.net


We are looking forward to this experience and hope to make this the most productive summer in phpBB's history.


phpBB GSoC application page:

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